Saturday, October 14, 2006

Weekend Post

The past few days I have been sick and haven't got around to posting anything. Not like it matters theres nothing to write about really Thursday I was sick but had to go to school to give Nigel something I slept in all of my classes wishing I was home in bed. That night I had an interesting dream involving a nude KOS-MOS at some kind of game convention. A dream involving β€œHer” and another one where I was a fish. Friday I slept until 12 and didn't get out of bed until 2 for good reason it was Friday the 13 th. I went down stairs to see if long awaited Kasumi had arrived but she hadn't. My mother bought me come neo citrin and I am now addicted to it. I played soldat for a large part of the day. Some time around 4 I was infromed of an acident involving Alma and other people :(. After hearing the details from some different people I was surprised no one died on Friday the 13 th no less. Saturday I am feeling much better but continue to drink ne citrin because it tastes like yellow life savers :3. After reading a tutorial on how to take good pictures of PVC figures I had to try it for my self I was reluctant to take them out of there display case let alone out side there the suns UV rays could get them (UV rays degrade PVC). I took my babys out side and searched for a ideal place to take pictures. I took some pictures of Ignis with a large oak with read leaves in the background. It turned out good if BOME's Ignis pose wasn't so bland it could have made for a spectacular picture I am wishing now I bought the Alter or Max Factory version. I took some pictures of Jungle Emmy by the same tree but as I expected It just didn't look right. I took some pictures of her standing in the grass with my mothers kitten in the background he matched Jungle Emmy he looked somewhat like a tiger. The kitten pounced Jungle Emmy and knocked her over and I threw a pine cone at him and sent him running for the house. I went inside to take a look at my pictures. Not bad but some photoshoping would have to be done. The Emmy and kitten pictures turned out to be very blurry u.u Ignis was fine. Next was Meg I thought it would be hard to find a place where she would fit in so I made a half ass biulding rubble out of some junk I found laying around. Could have been better if I took my time but I am pleased with the results for my first time. Like the tutorial warned me

-Middle age people stared hard at me while taking photos
-Girls wondered why I was playing and taking photos of plastic girls instead of them
(Because there perfect and your not >=P)
But I don't care

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
(Lucky for me the base can not be seen in this picture which makes it look a bit more natural)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
(Okay beginner picture gun is hiding her face tho u.u)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
(A much better picture some photoshopping was done to make the colors richer the camera i was using had high gamma settings or something and made the colors look faded no those water drops arnt photoshoped it was starting to rain x.x)

Your Wrath Quotient: 77%

Everyone around you pretty much fears your wrath... which is probably what you want.
But just remember, there's a very thin line between fear and hate!

What Your Bathroom Habits Say About You

You are very independent and self-centered. You don't solve other people's problems - and you don't expect them to solve yours.
You spend a lot on clothes, and you tend to be a very dresser. However, it's hard for you to throw away trendy clothes when they go out of style.
You are a little shy and easily embarrassed. You often wonder if you are normal.
In relationships, you tend to be very romantic and demanding. You'll treat your partner like gold, but you expect a lot in return.

You Are An INFP

The Idealist
You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.
Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.
It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.
But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.
You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

You Are a Martini

There's no other way to say it: you're a total lush.
You hold your liquor well, and you hold a lot of it!

Your Stress Level is: 76%

You are prone to stress, and you're probably even pretty stressed right now.
Life's problems seem to pile up on you, and this often makes you feel depressed and burned out.
Learn to take time to relax and enjoy life, even if things are stressful. It's the only wa you'll get through the bad times.

Random song lyrics of the day: Oh I've got something in my throat I need to be alone while I suffer. Son you've got a way to kill they're picking on you still but they don't know. Son you'd better wait to shine. They'll tell you what is yours but they'll take mine. Way to fall- Star Sailor Metal Gear Solid 3 Soundtrack (Credits)

Random Quote of the day: β€œ...” TehNeil
~Hopes Alma recovers quickly~


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