Monday, November 13, 2006

Image heavy

Most of my weekend was spent in my bed watching tv/movies playing video games or out taking pictures of things mainly some of my PVC figures. We were looking after my cousins little kid this weekend his is a whiny little bitch he will grow up and become everything most emos aspires to be. I wanted to kick him in the head to make him shut up for good. I have little to no tolerance for crybaby's. I have been feeling more misanthropic then usual for some reason lately. The only good thing about this weekend is I seen some trailers for the new Bond movie Casino Royale. I think this will be the first good Bond movie since Gold Finger as well the new guy playing Bond look like he is good portrayal of everything Bond is. As well he looks more bad ass then the rest. Below are some of the pictures I took more can be found in my photo bucket album.
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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(I love the expression on her face she is adorable getting dressed for battle someone stumbles upon her she wears a half hearted Oh n0es expression)
(I was taking pictures of Sango in this setting and decided it suited Kasumi better)
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(Sango ready to slay a demon with her massive boomerang)
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(Ummmmmmmm.... BOOBS! )
You Are 16% Happy

You know that there's more to life than how you've been living it.
Life can be rough at times, but most of your unhappiness is self-inflicted.

(Cuts wrists)
You Are Red Orange

You are a very genuine person, although it takes a while for you to show the true you.
A bit introverted, you desire respect and affection from those close to you.
You are quite empathetic, and you have a true concern for the well being of others.
Many people have warm, heartfelt memories of you - even if you don't remember them well.

Your Rising Sign is Cancer

You are compassionate and kind - and the one who gives security.
And while you sometimes tire of it, people always turn to you for advice.
Emotions are your domain, and you use tend to use them for good.
But you've also been know to be very manipulative when you need to be.
You're quite loyal to those you love most - friends and family.
For everyone else, you tend take time to build up trust.

Random song lyrics of the day
Death, white fang destruction runsRoughshod among the packWith uncontrolled bloodlustHunt, thrill of the kill by moonlightToo wild too tame for this worldRepays all debts in bloodThis destroyerDamned, lycanthropic desirePraised by the howling oneBits down the jaws of Luko'sUnleases HellWho rules the forest of the nightRed raging eyes howl at the moonSets up his next victim to dieBehold! The wolfhunter


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